Hello, Thank you for visiting my blog. It showcases all my work in projects I have completed and currently doing, alongside some posts on my reviews and opinion on fashion.
If you wish to look at certain pieces of work, you can navigate yourself to look at certain posts from subjects, via the labels on the right hand side. Media and Textiles are my two main subjects where coursework was heavily involved.

Grecian Inspired Red Carpet Dress

My current project I am working on a Grecian inspired dress for an occasion. This time I had to make up a brief in which would include either a decade or a style. I decided to go for this theme, as I wanted to produce something creative and elegant. I wanted to challenge myself to create a formal dress which means that I would have experimented with different styles of garments and themes.
As this is an on-going project, there are few pages which haven't been completed yet, but there is work which proves that my research and designs are very much focused. As the all main research tasks have been completed, I only have recently completed my prototype of my dress and moved on to make the real garment.
Over the years of studying textiles, my garment construction has improved by exploring stitches and which ones are suitable for which material. Trail and Error was also another way I got to understand construction and learn from my mistakes. Making a prototype, displays how I can be creative to adapt a garment into something of my own.

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