Hello, Thank you for visiting my blog. It showcases all my work in projects I have completed and currently doing, alongside some posts on my reviews and opinion on fashion.
If you wish to look at certain pieces of work, you can navigate yourself to look at certain posts from subjects, via the labels on the right hand side. Media and Textiles are my two main subjects where coursework was heavily involved.

Architecture Inspired Jacket

I have also completed another textiles project, this time, the design brief was given rather than having an optional choice and being creative with what I chose.
The design brief was 'As an independent designer of modern garments you have been commissioned to design and manufacture a coat/jacket/protective outerwear garment based on architecture. The garment should appeal to fashion conscious females aged 16- 25 years old'.
Similar to previous textiles projects, research and planning was the first stage of this project which then led to designs and then final construction. However, there needed to be more focus on research to ensure that my ideas would not go off themed. Not only that but I have taken my skills from GCSE Textiles and improved them increasingly at a A-Level standard. Below is a link to all pages for my coursework.
I got introduced to new decorative techniques such as origami and free hand embroidery. I had to experiment will many suitable decorative techniques for inspiration on designs. Furthermore, I got to analyse the pros and cons of each, proving that I have understood the techniques and where they work the best.

My research also includes looking into designers such as Amile Hrustic who uses origami in an innovative way and Hussein Chalayan who has created dresses for Lady Gaga - most notable has to be the bubble dress, his work has been inspired by architecture and sculpture.

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