Hello, Thank you for visiting my blog. It showcases all my work in projects I have completed and currently doing, alongside some posts on my reviews and opinion on fashion.
If you wish to look at certain pieces of work, you can navigate yourself to look at certain posts from subjects, via the labels on the right hand side. Media and Textiles are my two main subjects where coursework was heavily involved.

Adobe Premier Effects and Editing

This short presentation displays my progress of using Adobe Premier and how I have experimented in using effects for my music video.Premier become an easy software to work with once you know where everything is and how it can be used.  There are skills I have learnt through trail and error or watching tutorials. I have self taught myself on how to use this software, showing my determination of trying to do new things and facing challenges.Skills such as editing, by using tools such as 'razor', adding effects for shaky clips or to increase or decrease the speed of a clip and adjusting levels of brightness, contrast and filtering with colours.

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