Hello, Thank you for visiting my blog. It showcases all my work in projects I have completed and currently doing, alongside some posts on my reviews and opinion on fashion.
If you wish to look at certain pieces of work, you can navigate yourself to look at certain posts from subjects, via the labels on the right hand side. Media and Textiles are my two main subjects where coursework was heavily involved.

Current Project - Music Video

Currently in Media studies, I am working on a music video, in which I'm in the stage of editing and improving to complete it as a final draft.
In this project, I used a new software, Adobe Premiere where I wasn't familiar with, however practicing in creating videos and editing helped me to be more confident.
Similar to AS Media, research and planning had to be completed first to support my ideas and help me progress them. The research and planning tasks were more intense and had to be very specific.
The planning tasks in specific gave me a clear indication on how the industry would approach in making a music video alongside planning shoots and signing official documents.
 Draft Music Video

Another blog was created to display my work towards the research and planning aspect of the unit, as well as extra work such as behind the scenes and production logs to view my progress throughout the project.

There was a lot of skills required into researching, planning and editing, hence why a lot of drafts are needed until the final completed video. Skills for the editing include; understanding the frames and how the footage needs to placed, adding filter, adjusting the brightness and contrast volumes.

Alongside the production of a music video, the brief also instructs me to create two out of three ancillary tasks to support with the main coursework. I chose to create a digipak and magazine album advert, to ensure that there is a flow in the theme of 'music'. The digipak and magazine advert are also in the drafting stage and are made using Indesign.
Below are images of my draft digipak and magazine advert.

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