Hello, Thank you for visiting my blog. It showcases all my work in projects I have completed and currently doing, alongside some posts on my reviews and opinion on fashion.
If you wish to look at certain pieces of work, you can navigate yourself to look at certain posts from subjects, via the labels on the right hand side. Media and Textiles are my two main subjects where coursework was heavily involved.


Melody is a completed music magazine I produced in AS-Level Media Studies. Before I got to create the basic magazine layout, I had to conduct plenty of research to support the brief given and for my ideas. The next step included intense planning and drafting tasks. Ranging from planning photoshoots to posting my development of my magazine. Every week, I posted a production log where I wrote about what I did in lesson, what problems I encountered and how I overcame them.

All tasks are evidently showcased in a blog dedicated to this unit - g321geetagohil.blogspot.co.uk/.
This project portrays a range of skills immensely improved from GCSE to A-Level. Skills such as editing by using new softwares (InDesign), photography, planning with good organisational, and timekeeping skills.
Presentation was an important aspect to this project, in order to display more work formally on the blog using websites such as Prezi, Voki and Slideshare.

I had to evaluate my magazine with the 7 questions given from the exam  board. I decided to take the evaluation approach differently instead of writing essay and posting them on the blog as a plain text. I decided to make the evaluation answers into a magazine format, which not only would be another formal presentation of the work but the whole project itself would look consistent.

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