Hello, Thank you for visiting my blog. It showcases all my work in projects I have completed and currently doing, alongside some posts on my reviews and opinion on fashion.
If you wish to look at certain pieces of work, you can navigate yourself to look at certain posts from subjects, via the labels on the right hand side. Media and Textiles are my two main subjects where coursework was heavily involved.

Business of Fashion

As a reader of Business of Fashion, I am always updated with current issues regarding business in the fashion industry. Being subscribed to BOF and getting email through my phone, gives me chance to to feel connected to the industry while studying, moreover, with the information I read, regarding businesses and fashion labels can be applied to my A-Level work. For instance, in my current textiles project, I can talk about technology and how effective it is in the fashion industry.
Fashion is not all about the clothing and the designs, there is more to that. When I read the daily digest section, it reminds me that fashion revolves around everywhere, even in technology. Recent release of the Apple watch become an influencial trendsetter in September. With this trendsetter, Ralph Lauren introduced a smart shirt and smart Ricky bag, and designers from Tory Burch to Vivienne Tam to Michael Kors got serious about the technological accessories. Fashion has turned to a powerful satement, where nearly all garments, products, gadgets and even furniture has become part of trendsettings for each industry.

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